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Nombre de Participants (pilotes + 'passagers'):
Participants autorisés :

140,00 740,00 

🌟 Le Cadeau Ultime : Une Aventure de Haut Vol dans un Simulateur de Boeing 737 ! 🎁

Offrez le grand frisson du vol avec un bon cadeau pour une expérience unique de simulateur de Boeing 737 !

Laissez vos proches devenir “Commandant d’un Jour,” s’envolant Ă  travers des scenarios hyper rĂ©alistes avec un instructeur professionnel Ă  leurs cĂŽtĂ©s.
Une ExpĂ©rience de Simulateur de Boeing 737 parfaite pour les individuels ou les groupes jusqu’Ă  8 personnes.

Que ce soit en tant que Captain ou Passager, chacun est assurĂ© de vivre une aventure exaltante et incroyablement immersive. IdĂ©al pour les Anniversaires, les FĂȘtes de Fin d’AnnĂ©e ou toute autre occasion spĂ©ciale, c’est LE cadeau qui permettra Ă  vos proches de dĂ©coller comme en vrai ! Aucune expĂ©rience prĂ©alable n’est nĂ©cessaire – il suffit de dĂ©coller et de suivre les instructions d’un professionnel qui vous guide. CrĂ©ez des souvenirs qui dureront toute votre vie ! đŸ›«âœšđŸ›Ź

140,00 740,00 

The recipient(s) name(s) will show on the boarding pass.
Enter the recipient's email address if you want us to send the voucher directly to him (you will get a copy even if you don't tick this option).
Enter a short message that will show on the email.
The recipient(s) name(s) will show on the boarding pass.
Enter the recipient's email address if you want us to send the voucher directly to him (you will get a copy even if you don't tick this option).
Enter a short message that will show on the email.
The recipient(s) name(s) will show on the boarding pass.
Enter the recipient's email address if you want us to send the voucher directly to him (you will get a copy even if you don't tick this option).
Enter a short message that will show on the email.
The recipient(s) name(s) will show on the boarding pass.
Enter the recipient's email address if you want us to send the voucher directly to him (you will get a copy even if you don't tick this option).
Enter a short message that will show on the email.
The recipient(s) name(s) will show on the boarding pass.
Enter the recipient's email address if you want us to send the voucher directly to him (you will get a copy even if you don't tick this option).
Enter a short message that will show on the email.
The recipient(s) name(s) will show on the boarding pass.
Enter the recipient's email address if you want us to send the voucher directly to him (you will get a copy even if you don't tick this option).
Enter a short message that will show on the email.
The recipient(s) name(s) will show on the boarding pass.
Enter the recipient's email address if you want us to send the voucher directly to him (you will get a copy even if you don't tick this option).
Enter a short message that will show on the email.
The recipient(s) name(s) will show on the boarding pass.
Enter the recipient's email address if you want us to send the voucher directly to him (you will get a copy even if you don't tick this option).
Enter a short message that will show on the email.
The recipient(s) name(s) will show on the boarding pass.
Enter the recipient's email address if you want us to send the voucher directly to him (you will get a copy even if you don't tick this option).
Enter a short message that will show on the email.
The recipient(s) name(s) will show on the boarding pass.
Enter the recipient's email address if you want us to send the voucher directly to him (you will get a copy even if you don't tick this option).
Enter a short message that will show on the email.
The recipient(s) name(s) will show on the boarding pass.
Enter the recipient's email address if you want us to send the voucher directly to him (you will get a copy even if you don't tick this option).
Enter a short message that will show on the email.
The recipient(s) name(s) will show on the boarding pass.
Enter the recipient's email address if you want us to send the voucher directly to him (you will get a copy even if you don't tick this option).
Enter a short message that will show on the email.
The recipient(s) name(s) will show on the boarding pass.
Enter the recipient's email address if you want us to send the voucher directly to him (you will get a copy even if you don't tick this option).
Enter a short message that will show on the email.
The recipient(s) name(s) will show on the boarding pass.
Enter the recipient's email address if you want us to send the voucher directly to him (you will get a copy even if you don't tick this option).
Enter a short message that will show on the email.
The recipient(s) name(s) will show on the boarding pass.
Enter the recipient's email address if you want us to send the voucher directly to him (you will get a copy even if you don't tick this option).
Enter a short message that will show on the email.
The recipient(s) name(s) will show on the boarding pass.
Enter the recipient's email address if you want us to send the voucher directly to him (you will get a copy even if you don't tick this option).
Enter a short message that will show on the email.
The recipient(s) name(s) will show on the boarding pass.
Enter the recipient's email address if you want us to send the voucher directly to him (you will get a copy even if you don't tick this option).
Enter a short message that will show on the email.
The recipient(s) name(s) will show on the boarding pass.
Enter the recipient's email address if you want us to send the voucher directly to him (you will get a copy even if you don't tick this option).
Enter a short message that will show on the email.
The recipient(s) name(s) will show on the boarding pass.
Enter the recipient's email address if you want us to send the voucher directly to him (you will get a copy even if you don't tick this option).
Enter a short message that will show on the email.
The recipient(s) name(s) will show on the boarding pass.
Enter the recipient's email address if you want us to send the voucher directly to him (you will get a copy even if you don't tick this option).
Enter a short message that will show on the email.
The recipient(s) name(s) will show on the boarding pass.
Enter the recipient's email address if you want us to send the voucher directly to him (you will get a copy even if you don't tick this option).
Enter a short message that will show on the email.
The recipient(s) name(s) will show on the boarding pass.
Enter the recipient's email address if you want us to send the voucher directly to him (you will get a copy even if you don't tick this option).
Enter a short message that will show on the email.
The recipient(s) name(s) will show on the boarding pass.
Enter the recipient's email address if you want us to send the voucher directly to him (you will get a copy even if you don't tick this option).
Enter a short message that will show on the email.
The recipient(s) name(s) will show on the boarding pass.
Enter the recipient's email address if you want us to send the voucher directly to him (you will get a copy even if you don't tick this option).
Enter a short message that will show on the email.
The recipient(s) name(s) will show on the boarding pass.
Enter the recipient's email address if you want us to send the voucher directly to him (you will get a copy even if you don't tick this option).
Enter a short message that will show on the email.
The recipient(s) name(s) will show on the boarding pass.
Enter the recipient's email address if you want us to send the voucher directly to him (you will get a copy even if you don't tick this option).
Enter a short message that will show on the email.
The recipient(s) name(s) will show on the boarding pass.
Enter the recipient's email address if you want us to send the voucher directly to him (you will get a copy even if you don't tick this option).
Enter a short message that will show on the email.
The recipient(s) name(s) will show on the boarding pass.
Enter the recipient's email address if you want us to send the voucher directly to him (you will get a copy even if you don't tick this option).
Enter a short message that will show on the email.
The recipient(s) name(s) will show on the boarding pass.
Enter the recipient's email address if you want us to send the voucher directly to him (you will get a copy even if you don't tick this option).
Enter a short message that will show on the email.
The recipient(s) name(s) will show on the boarding pass.
Enter the recipient's email address if you want us to send the voucher directly to him (you will get a copy even if you don't tick this option).
Enter a short message that will show on the email.
The recipient(s) name(s) will show on the boarding pass.
Enter the recipient's email address if you want us to send the voucher directly to him (you will get a copy even if you don't tick this option).
Enter a short message that will show on the email.
The recipient(s) name(s) will show on the boarding pass.
Enter the recipient's email address if you want us to send the voucher directly to him (you will get a copy even if you don't tick this option).
Enter a short message that will show on the email.
The recipient(s) name(s) will show on the boarding pass.
Enter the recipient's email address if you want us to send the voucher directly to him (you will get a copy even if you don't tick this option).
Enter a short message that will show on the email.
The recipient(s) name(s) will show on the boarding pass.
Enter the recipient's email address if you want us to send the voucher directly to him (you will get a copy even if you don't tick this option).
Enter a short message that will show on the email.
The recipient(s) name(s) will show on the boarding pass.
Enter the recipient's email address if you want us to send the voucher directly to him (you will get a copy even if you don't tick this option).
Enter a short message that will show on the email.
The recipient(s) name(s) will show on the boarding pass.
Enter the recipient's email address if you want us to send the voucher directly to him (you will get a copy even if you don't tick this option).
Enter a short message that will show on the email.
The recipient(s) name(s) will show on the boarding pass.
Enter the recipient's email address if you want us to send the voucher directly to him (you will get a copy even if you don't tick this option).
Enter a short message that will show on the email.
The recipient(s) name(s) will show on the boarding pass.
Enter the recipient's email address if you want us to send the voucher directly to him (you will get a copy even if you don't tick this option).
Enter a short message that will show on the email.
The recipient(s) name(s) will show on the boarding pass.
Enter the recipient's email address if you want us to send the voucher directly to him (you will get a copy even if you don't tick this option).
Enter a short message that will show on the email.
The recipient(s) name(s) will show on the boarding pass.
Enter the recipient's email address if you want us to send the voucher directly to him (you will get a copy even if you don't tick this option).
Enter a short message that will show on the email.


Une expĂ©rience incroyable et totalement immersive Ă  360°, crĂ©ant l’impression d’ĂȘtre vraiment en vol grĂące Ă  un systĂšme visuel unique reproduisant fidĂšlement le paysage, les mouvements, la mĂ©tĂ©o, le trafic…

  • Seul, entre amis, en famille ou entre collĂšgues (jusqu’Ă  8 personnes ensemble mais jamais mĂ©langĂ©es avec des clients extĂ©rieurs)
  • Tous les participants Ă  une session peuvent prendre les commandes, un Ă  la fois ou deux par deux, selon leurs capacitĂ©s (Ă  discuter avec l’instructeur)
  • Une cabine unique au monde pouvant accueillir jusqu’Ă  8 participants (pilotes et/ou passagers), totalement immergĂ©s et sans sĂ©paration avec le cockpit
  • DĂ©collages, atterrissages, et pourquoi pas tonneaux, dĂ©crochages et vrilles : toutes les manƓuvres sont autorisĂ©es dans nos simulateurs !
  • Instructeur simu professionnel inclus (EN/FR/NL)
  • Briefing gratuit de 10 min dans le cockpit, avant le dĂ©but de la session (EN/FR/NL)
  • Aucun prĂ©requis, vous volez dĂ©jĂ  au bout de quelques minutes
  • Accessible aux adultes et aux enfants Ă  partir de dix ans*
  • Commandes de vol avec retour de force dynamique motorisĂ©
  • Comportement ultra-rĂ©aliste de l’avion
  • +24.000 aĂ©roports dans le monde
  • Conditions mĂ©tĂ©orologiques entiĂšrement paramĂ©trables (beau temps, orages, tempĂȘtes, vents traversiers, brouillard, givre, neige, mĂ©tĂ©o en temps rĂ©el, etc.)
  • +150 pannes diffĂ©rentes disponibles pour ajouter plus de sensations (si besoin ! 😉 )
  • Bref : sensations fortes, plaisir, bonheur, dĂ©couverte !

*piloter un Boeing 737 est cependant assez technique et ne convient pas aux enfants qui ne sont pas prĂȘts Ă  garder un minimum de concentration – cela reste un simulateur de vol professionnel.
